Greta Thunberg: ‘We need public pressure, not just summits’

Published44 minutes agoShareRelated Topics caption,Watch: Greta Thunberg says she’s ‘completely different’ in private

Climate activist Greta Thunberg has told the BBC that summits will not lead to action on climate goals unless the public demand change too.

In a wide-ranging interview ahead of the COP26 climate summit, she said the public needed to “uproot the system”.

“The change is going to come when people are demanding change. So we can’t expect everything to happen at these conferences,” she said.

She also accused politicians of coming up with excuses.

The COP26 climate summit is taking place in Scotland’s largest city, Glasgow, from 31 October to 12 November.

It is the biggest climate change conference since landmark talks in Paris in 2015. Some 200 countries are being asked for their plans to cut greenhouse gas emissions, which cause global warming.

Ms Thunberg, who recently launched a global series of concerts highlighting climate change called Climate Live, confirmed she would be attending COP26. She said her message to world leaders was to “be honest”.

“Be honest about where you are, how you have been failing, how you’re still failing us… instead of trying to find solutions, real solutions that will actually lead somewhere, that would lead to a substantial change, fundamental change,” she told the BBC’s Rebecca Morelle.

“In my view, success would be that people finally start to realise the urgency of the situation and realise that we are facing an existential crisis, and that we are going to need big changes, that we’re going to need to uproot the system, because that’s where the change is going to come.”

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COP26 climate summit – The basics

  • Climate change is one of the world’s most pressing problems. Governments must promise more ambitious cuts in warming gases if we are to prevent greater global temperature rises.
  • The summit in Glasgow is where change could happen. You need to watch for the promises made by the world’s biggest polluters, like the US and China, and whether poorer countries are getting the support they need.
  • All our lives will change. Decisions made here could impact our jobs, how we heat our homes, what we eat and how we travel.

Read more about the COP26 summit here.

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Ms Thunberg did not believe that UK plans to curb greenhouse gas emissions to reach a target of net zero by 2050 were sufficient, or that the UK was a climate leader.

“Unfortunately there are no climate leaders today, especially not in the so-called global north. But that doesn’t mean that they can’t suddenly decide that now we’re going to take the process seriously,” she said.

Speaking about the targets for reaching net zero – which means not adding to the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere – she said that it was a “good start”, but cautioned that it “doesn’t really mean very much in practice” if people continued to look for loopholes.

Kevin Mtai
Image caption,Kevin Mtai will be one of many activists attending COP26

COP26 will be attended by climate activists from across the world.

Kevin Mtai, a climate justice campaigner from Kenya, told the BBC that inclusivity at the summit was important.

“I hope this climate conference is going to be an inclusive conference, to include all voices in the talks. They need to use indigenous people in the talks, marginalised people in the talks, people from the most affected areas,” he said.

“It’s very important for people from the global south to speak for themselves, not other parts of the globe to speak on their behalf. Because we are the ones who have been affected by climate change, so it’s very important we can hear from our own people, with our own ideas, our own voice.”

From her home in Sweden, Ms Thunberg also spoke about her own role as a campaigner.

“I don’t see myself as a climate celebrity, I see myself as a climate activist… I should be grateful because there are many, many people who don’t have a platform and who are not being listened to, their voices are being oppressed and silenced.

“I’m a completely different person when I’m in private. I don’t think people would recognise me in private. I’m not very serious in private. I appear very angry in the media, but I am silly in private.”

When asked about why she sang a Rick Astley hit at the launch of Climate Live, she said that it was a climate movement in-joke. She has previously taken part in the internet phenomenon “rick-rolling” by tweeting out what she said was a link to a new speech, but actually linked to the music video for the song.

“Why not? I mean we have internal jokes within the climate movement, where we always rickroll each other.”

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Greta Thunberg: Scotland not a world leader on climate change

By Kevin Keane
BBC Scotland’s environment correspondentPublished10 hours agoShareRelated Topics

media captionGreta Thunberg on COP26, travel plans and Cambo oil field proposals

Campaigner Greta Thunberg says she doesn’t regard Scotland as a world leader on climate change.

The Swedish activist told BBC Scotland she recognised that some countries “do a bit more than others” but that none were coming close to what was needed.

On the Scottish Greens’ deal to enter government, she said some politicians were “less worse” than others.

But she said tackling climate change was not as easy as voting for a green party.

The 18-year-old said: “Of course there might be some politicians that are slightly less worse than others. That was very mean but you get the point.

“It’s a hopeful sign that people want something that’s more ‘green’ – whatever green means – but in order to solve this we need to tackle this at a more systemic approach.”

‘World leading’

The Scottish government has previously described its climate change legislation as “world leading.”

It includes a target to reach net-zero emissions by 2045.

The legislation was praised as “inspiring” by the UN’s climate chief Patricia Espinosa.

Ministers say they recognise that every country needs to do more while the Scottish Greens say they agree that systemic change is necessary.

In a wide-ranging interview with BBC Scotland exactly two months ahead of the UN climate change conference being held in Glasgow, Ms Thunberg spoke about COP26 and plans for a new oil field off Shetland.

She said she was “not 100% sure” that she would attend the COP26 talks in November and that her decision would be based on whether the event was “safe and democratic”.

For her, that means ensuring participants from poorer countries are fully vaccinated and able to travel.

Greta Thunberg
image captionMs Thunberg is not sure if she will be attending the COP26 climate talks in November

Organisers are offering vaccines to all delegates as part of the accreditation process.

Ms Thunberg still believes the conference will not lead to anything “if we don’t treat this crisis like a crisis.”

She explained: “It should be all about climate justice and we can’t achieve climate justice if everyone is not contributing on the same terms.

“I’ve spoken to many people who say that they are trying to at least vaccinate all the delegates and making it more accessible. And if that is the case it’s left to see, I guess.”

‘Nowhere close to what’s needed’

After returning to school from a year off, the teenager said she would not be skipping lessons to attend because the conference falls during Sweden’s school holidays.

If she does decide to come, her plan is to travel from Stockholm by train.

Earlier this month, the former UN climate change chief Christiana Figueres said she thought the conference should be “hybrid” with some talks happening in Glasgow while others are moved online.

But Ms Thunberg says that should be avoided if a face-to-face meeting is safe.

She said: “I’m not an expert but we get much more results when we meet in person. It’s hard to argue against that. But, of course, if it’s not considered safe then we have to go for the safest option.

“To be honest, I don’t think that either one will lead to much results. A physical meeting will probably bring more results but still nowhere close to what’s needed.”

Lorna Slater and Patrick Harvie
image captionLorna Slater and Patrick Harvie will become Scottish government ministers after their party backed a deal to work with the SNP

The activist she was aware of the controversy about the Cambo oil field west of Shetland.

The UK government is still to make a decision about whether to give the go-ahead to the new development with pressure growing from climate change campaigners for it to be refused.

Sir Ian Wood, former chairman of the oil services firm Wood Group, said last week that Cambo needed to be given the green light so an energy transition could be carried out in an orderly way.

‘At least try’

But Ms Thunberg, who used her speech at the UN climate summit in New York in 2019 to angrily tell world leaders and governments they were not doing enough to tackle climate change, said: “I think that maybe summarises the whole situation that we are in, the fact that these kinds of countries that are actually hosting COP are planning to actually expand fossil fuel infrastructure, to actually open up new oil fields and so on.

“But also, it’s a bit strange that we are talking about single individual oil fields when the UK is already producing so much oil as it is. It’s not just that we need to stop future expansions, we also need to scale down the existing ones if we are to have a chance of avoiding the worst consequences.”

The teenager has also previously criticised the UK for holding a climate conference when the opening of a new coal mine is being considered.

Asked whether a quicker energy transition can be achieved without costing tens of thousands of jobs in a place like Aberdeen, she said: “I sure hope so.

“I think we need to envision that. We can’t just say that it’s not possible, let’s just give up. We have to at least try. I don’t see that as a reason for not trying.”

Ms Thunberg added that she did not think she had been to Scotland before and looked forward to seeing the landscapes and meeting people.

Greta Thunberg on U.S. eliminating fossil-fuel crutch: ‘I don’t believe you’ll actually do this’

Greta Thunberg on U.S. eliminating fossil-fuel crutch: ‘I don’t believe you’ll actually do this’ (

Rachel Koning Beals  23 hrs ago



Toyota Is Developing Hydrogen-Engine Tech Through RacingBobcat Population On The Rise In Pennsylvaniaa person holding a sign© AFP via Getty ImagesKEY WORDS

If progressive U.S. lawmakers were expecting encouragement from influential climate activist, the 18-year-old Greta Thunberg, she wasn’t delivering this Earth Day.

Thunberg was called to virtually address a House subcommittee, chaired by the Democrats in the majority, that is reviewing ending fossil-fuel subsidies. Her appearance — on an arguably much smaller stage considering that past tours for the Time Person of the Year included the United Nations — played against the 40-nation climate summit led by President Biden also taking place Thursday.

Read: Biden pledges to cut U.S. greenhouse gases 50% by 2030 — with major implications for oil and gas sector

Thunberg wasted few words in insisting that old thinking has to go.

“The simple fact, and uncomfortable fact, is that if we are to live up to our promises and commitments in Paris, we have to end fossil fuel subsidies … now,” she said. The U.S. rejoined the voluntary Paris agreement in February, after former President Donald Trump pulled out, citing heavy emissions from China, India and Brazil.

Read: Young adults worry it’s ‘morally wrong’ to have children, Earth Day study finds

“I don’t believe for a second that you will actually do this,” Thunberg lectured the lawmakers of the House Oversight Committee’s environmental subcommittee.

Video: If fundamentals change, you can seriously impact CO2 levels: Expert (CNBC)PauseCurrent Time 0:12/Duration 4:05Loaded: 19.58%Unmute0LOCaptionsFullscreenIf fundamentals change, you can seriously impact CO2 levels: ExpertClick to expand

“You still have time to do the right thing and to save your legacies, but that window of time is not going to last for long,” she added. “We the young people are the ones who are going to write about you in the history books …so my advice for you is to choose wisely.”

Exactly how much the oil and gas sector receives varies by who’s making the argument, with some analysts penciling in pollution damages for which the government foots the bill to the energy-sector total.

Estimates vary from around $20 billion to as much as $650 billion a year, the larger figure from the International Monetary Fund. In 2018, the total revenue of the U.S. oil and gas industry came to about $181 billion.

Rep. Ro Khanna of renewables-embracing California, the head of the subcommittee, wants quicker action from Biden to end fossil fuel subsidies as part of a plan to rebuild U.S. infrastructure.

Read: Here are the biggest risks to oil’s rally

Biden has said “I don’t think the federal government should give handouts to Big Oil.” Only recently has pricing for wind and solar energy, fronted by tax credits and other breaks, gotten more competitive against traditional energy alternatives

“We appreciate that President Biden ran on ending fossil fuel subsidies. But the details matter,” Khanna said in a statement released prior to the hearing. “Exactly four months into this administration, progressives are looking for tangible and specific commitments from the administration to follow through on its own platform.”

Read: Greta Thunberg joke-tweets that worry over smaller penises will finally get more people to join climate movement

Biden’s Earth Day gathering, meanwhile, featured another worried teen, wary of the planet’s future in the hands of older leaders.

Mexico’s Xiye Bastida, who has joined Thunberg’s Fridays for Future school sitout campaign, told world leaders the climate crisis is the result of powerful people like them who are “perpetuating and upholding the harmful systems of colonialism, oppression, capitalism and market-oriented brainwashed solutions″ to global problems.

Greta Thunberg says she won’t attend COP26 summit if ‘vaccine nationalism’ continues

PUBLISHED FRI, APR 9 20217:28 AM EDTVicky McKeever@VMCKEEVERCNBCSHAREShare Article via FacebookShare Article via TwitterShare Article via LinkedInShare Article via EmailKEY POINTS

  • “Of course I would love to attend the Glasgow COP26. But not unless everyone can take part on the same terms,” Thunberg tweeted Friday.
  • Thurberg said inequality was already at the heart of the climate crisis, adding that if people could not be vaccinated and travel to the summit to be equally represented, that would be “undemocratic.” 
Greta Thunberg, climate activist, pauses during a panel session on the opening day of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, on Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2020.

Greta Thunberg, climate activist, pauses during a panel session on the opening day of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, on Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2020.Jason Alden | Bloomberg via Getty Images

LONDON — Teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg has said she will not attend the high-profile United Nations climate change summit if current vaccination trends continue. 

Thunberg tweeted Friday morning in response to a BBC report which said she had “no plans” to attend the summit, known as COP26, which is due to take place in Glasgow, Scotland in November. 

“Of course I would love to attend the Glasgow COP26. But not unless everyone can take part on the same terms,” Thunberg tweeted. 

She argued that many countries were vaccinating “healthy young people” against Covid-19 at the expense of higher risk groups and front-line workers in other countries.

Thurberg said inequality was already at the heart of the climate crisis, adding that if people could not be vaccinated and travel to the summit to be equally represented, that would be “undemocratic.” 

“Vaccine nationalism won’t solve the pandemic,” Thunberg said, arguing that “global problems need global solutions.” 

High-income countries have been accused of vaccine nationalism, having bought more than 4.6 billion doses of Covid-19 vaccines, according to data released in March by the Duke Global Health Innovation Center. In comparison, low-income countries have secured just 670 million doses of the vaccines. 

Thunberg also said in her Twitter thread that even if the COP26 summit had to be delayed due to the pandemic, that “doesn’t mean we have to delay the urgent action required” on climate change. 

Sky News reported last week that the summit could be delayed for a second time due to the pandemic. 

“We don’t have to wait for conferences nor anyone or anything else to dramatically start reducing our emissions,” Thunberg stated.

At the same time, the activist said that a virtual conference would be “far from optimal,” given the lack of high-speed internet and computer access in certain parts of the world, which would also limit equal representation at the summit.

Greta Thunberg on report pollution impacts genital size: ‘See you all at the next climate strike’

BY LEXI LONAS – 03/26/21 11:13 AM EDT 6061,794

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Greta Thunberg on report pollution impacts genital size: 'See you all at the next climate strike'

© Getty Images

Global climate activist Greta Thunberg tweeted Thursday about a report that pollution can harm the genital size and potential fertility of newborns.

“See you all at the next climate strike,” Thunberg quipped.

In Shanna Swan’s new book, she details how pollution is leading to an “existential crisis” in fertility rates with a chemical used in plastics called phthalates leading to male babies being born with smaller or malformed penises, Sky News reported on Wednesday.

Phthalates, transmitted through toys and food, reportedly harm the endocrine system, which produces hormones, and can negatively affect a baby’s development.

Thunberg has already been active in calling on President Biden and his administration to “treat the climate crisis like a crisis.”

Biden signed executive orders in January to tackle climate change and rejoin the Paris climate accord.

Greta Thunberg says Biden isn’t doing ‘nearly enough’ on climate change

The Biden administration must “treat the climate crisis like a crisis,” the Swedish activist says

Nathan PlaceNYC13 hours ago

Teenage climate activistGreta Thunberg slammed President Joe Biden’s handling of the climate crisis on Sunday, saying he hasn’t done “nearly enough.”

On The Mehdi Hasan Show on MSNBC, she was asked how she’d grade the new US president’s efforts on climate change so far. She refused to assign a grade, but made it clear it would not be an A+.

“You should rather look at the science and whether his policies are in line with the Paris Agreement and to stay below 1.5 or even 2 degrees Celsius,” Ms Thunberg told Hasan. “And then you can clearly see that, no, it’s not nearly enough in line with the science.”

Read more

Since taking office, President Biden has rejoined the Paris Agreement on climate change, appointed John Kerry as a special climate change envoy, and undone many of former president Trump’s rollbacks of environmental policies. But Ms Thunberg said far more still needs to be done.

When asked what the Biden administration should do that it hasn’t done already, the Swedish teenager said the biggest change she’d like to see is in the level of urgency around the issue.

“Just treat the climate crisis like a crisis,” she said. “They have said themselves that this is an existential threat, and they’d better treat it accordingly, which they are not. They are just treating the climate crisis as [if] it were a political topic among other topics.”

Ms Thunberg, 18, has been a climate activist since 2018, when she began skipping school to protest outside the Swedish parliament against what she saw as inaction on climate change. Hundreds of thousands of students around the world soon joined her movement, alternately called “School Strike for Climate” or “Fridays for Future.” climate imageWEEKLY EXCLUSIVE EMAIL

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In 2019, she travelled aboard a zero-emissions yacht to speak at a United Nations climate meeting in New York, where she delivered a scathing speech.

“You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words,” she told world leaders. “We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is money, and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!”

Two years and a pandemic later, Thunberg spoke with more sympathy for the world’s political leadership as she answered questions on MSNBC.

“I understand it’s difficult, and to be honest I would not want to be in a politician’s position right now. I can’t imagine how hard it must be,” she told Hasan.

But she was still clear that those politicians are not doing enough.

“How can you expect support and pressure from voters,” she asked, “if you are not treating the crisis like a crisis?”

Greta Thunberg Mocks Ted Cruz, Welcomes U.S. Return to ‘Pittsburgh Agreement’

BY DARRAGH ROCHE ON 1/21/21 AT 8:57 AM EST02:24What Joe Biden Has Promised To Do In His First 100 Days As PresidentSHAREShare on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on LinkedInShare on PinterestShare on RedditShare on FlipboardShare via EmailCommentsPOLITICSTED CRUZPARIS CLIMATE AGREEMENTJOE BIDEN

Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg has mocked Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) after he criticized President Joe Biden‘s decision to rejoin the Paris climate agreement.

“So happy that USA has finally rejoined the Pittsburgh Agreement. Welcome back!” Thunberg tweeted on Thursday in response to Cruz’ comment, without mentioning him by name.

Cruz was one of many Republicans to take aim at Biden’s executive order rejoining the international agreement aimed at tackling climate change, but his particular statement drew attention on social media.’Dignity Is Back’: What Europe’s Media Said about Joe Biden InaugurationREAD MORE‘Dignity Is Back’: What Europe’s Media Said about Joe Biden InaugurationNEWSWEEK SUBSCRIPTION OFFERS >

“By rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement, President Biden indicates he’s more interested in the views of the citizens of Paris than in the jobs of the citizens of Pittsburgh,” Cruz tweeted on Wednesday.

“This agreement will do little to affect the climate and will harm the livelihoods of Americans.”

Many other Twitter users found Cruz’s phrasing odd, and suggested he believed the Paris agreement was written by the residents of the French capital or its local government, rather than being an international agreement signed by 189 countries.

Others pointed out that the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania had publicly backed the agreement in 2017 in response to former President Donald Trump‘s decision to pull out of the accord.NEWSWEEK SUBSCRIPTION OFFERS > MORE

“As the Mayor of Pittsburgh, I can assure you that we will follow the guidelines of the Paris Agreement for our people, our economy & future,” Mayor Bill Peduto tweeted at the time.

Peduto, a Democrat, won election to a second term as mayor in 2017 and is due to remain in office until 2022. He highlighted the city’s commitment to the Paris agreement again on Wednesday.

“Pittsburgh has exceeded our Paris commitments,” Peduto said. “Recognized by @usmayors as National Environmental Initiative of 2020, we’ve met our 2030 goal of 100% renewable energy for city operations, ten years early. If we can do it in a city that is/was fueled by coal/nuclear, you can, too.”

The graphic below, provided by Statista, illustrates the countries which participate in the Paris Agreement.

U.S. Rejoins Paris Agreement - Statista

Thunberg, who has been a frequent target for criticism from some conservatives, also mocked Trump as he left the White House for the last time on Wednesday in a tweet that was a callback to a comment the former president made about her.

He seems like a very happy old man looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!” Thunberg tweeted, including a photo of Trump raising a first while boarding Marine One on the White House lawn.

Biden issued 15 executive orders on Wednesday and more are expected today. In addition to rejoining the Paris climate agreement, the U.S. has rejoined the World Health Organization (WHO).

Swedish Climate Activist Greta Thunberg
Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg takes part in a Fridays For Future protest in front of the Swedish Parliament (Riksdagen) in Stockholm on September 25, 2020. Thunberg has mocked Senator Ted Cruz for his opposition to the Paris climate agreement.JONATHAN NACKSTRAND/AFP/GETTY IMAGES

Greta Thunberg jabs Trump as he leaves office

BY JOHN BOWDEN – 01/20/21 11:47 AM EST 32167

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Greta Thunberg jabs Trump as he leaves office

© Getty

Swedish climate change activist Greta Thunberg needled President Trump on Wednesday as Trump departed the White House for the final time.

Calling back to an old jab Trump himself had once levied at her, Thunberg quipped that the president looked like “a very happy old man looking forward to a bright and wonderful future” as he climbed the steps of Marine One.

Thunberg’s tweet referenced a remark made by the president in 2019. When referring to Thunberg’s address to the United Nations, Trump tweeted that she looked like “a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future,” apparently mocking the dire warnings the activist had delivered. 

The two briefly crossed paths at a U.N. event on climate change that year, where Thunberg was seen glaring at the president from afar as the latter addressed reporters.

Thunberg, 18, is a vocal critic of industrialized nations’ commitment to fighting climate change and first attained notoriety after organizing strikes among schoolchildren in Sweden and around the world in support of action against climate change.

‘We cannot make it without science’: Greta Thunberg says climate experts are being ignored

Climate specialists not being listened to despite Covid showing importance of following science, activist says

PA Media

Tue 29 Dec 2020 10.42 ESTLast modified on Tue 29 Dec 2020 11.02 EST


Greta Thunberg
 Greta Thunberg was interviewed alongside the author Margaret Atwood on BBC Radio 4. Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/PA

Climate experts are not being listened to despite the coronavirus pandemic highlighting the importance of following science, the environmental activist Greta Thunberg has said.

The Swedish teenager argued that the Covid-19 crisis had “shone a light” on how “we cannot make it without science”, but people were “only listening to one type of scientist”.

Her comments came in a joint interview with the author Margaret Atwood, broadcast on BBC Radio 4 on Tuesday as part of the two-times Booker prize-winning writer’s guest-editing of the Today programme.

Thunberg was asked if the pandemic’s impact on people’s appreciation of science would have an effect on climate information.

“It could definitely have. I think this pandemic has shone a light on how … we are depending on science and that we cannot make it without science,” Thunberg said.

“But of course, we are only listening to one type of scientist, or some types of scientist, and, for example, we are not listening to climate scientists, we’re not listening to scientists who work on biodiversity and that, of course, needs to change.”

The environmental campaigner expressed scepticism when questioned about nations’ pledges to reduce their carbon emissions, such as China, which has committed to reach net zero by 2060.

“That would be very nice if they actually meant something,” Thunberg said. “We can’t just keep talking about future, hypothetical, vague, distant dates and pledges. We need to do things now. And also net zero … that is a very big loophole, you can fit a lot in that word ‘net’.” Video3:06 Greta Thunberg dismisses ’empty words’ in new climate crisis appeal – video

Thunberg said the election of Joe Biden as US president, who has pledged to rejoin the Paris climate agreement on the first day of his presidency, sent a signal that “it could be a good start of something new”.

“Let’s hope that it is like that, and let’s push for it to become like that,” she said.

Elsewhere in the interview, Thunberg said she tried to ignore content on Twitter, adding: “If I were to spend my time trying to defend myself, I wouldn’t be doing anything else.”

She said it was great to be back at school after a period of campaigning and that she loved studying.

The coronavirus pandemic has in recent months prevented the Fridays for Future movement that Thunberg inspired from holding its mass rallies, which started as a solo protest outside Sweden’s parliament in Stockholm in August 2018.

Greta Thunberg trolls Trump with callback to his ‘anger management’ tweet

BY ZACK BUDRYK – 11/05/20 03:49 PM EST 43214,006

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Teen climate activist Greta Thunberg poked fun at President Trump’s calls to stop vote counts, using his own words from a 2019 tweet.

“So ridiculous. Donald must work on his Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend! Chill Donald, Chill!” the 17-year-old Swedish activist tweeted, in response to a tweet from the president reading “STOP THE COUNT!”

The tweet was a reference to one the president sent in December 2019 with the same phrasing criticizing Time’s decision to name her “Person of the Year.”

Thunberg has poked fun at the president’s criticisms of her in the past, including briefly changing her Twitter biography to “teen working on her anger management problem” after the president’s tweet.

After Trump sarcastically called her “a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future,” she also temporarily added the description to her bio. She made a similar move when far-right Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro attacked her as a “brat.”